Thursday, January 17, 2008

A God Thought

I don't want to scare you off by talking about God, but I have one, so occasionally I might bring Him up. Like today. Because it's struck me lately how often I get what I pray for.

But a lot of times, I don't recognize it right away. For one thing, it never happens in one fell swoop, like, God: "Alrighty, then! Here's your million, sweetums. Enjoy." Or in an organized manner. I mean, it was my idea to earn my living through self-employment, but I had in mind via one very sizeable book advance--or, better yet, a blockbuster movie deal--not by juggling 1.1 gazillion freelance endeavors. (I'm currently praying for a bigger calendar upon which to notate my deadlines.) Nor does the answer to my prayers ever look quite the way I'd envisioned it... Me: "Um, scuse me? God? When I asked for a stretch of R&R, I forgot to mention I didn't want to spend it in a hospital."

I write books, right? Well, the way God continually closes doors and opens windows in resopnse to my choices and requests strikes me as similar to my writing process. Until I'm all done, it looks like one big mess. Yet, each chapter eventually comes together. If I'm patient.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great thought, Jerri. I feel the same way. I thought I would know instantly, but not true. It takes a while to hit me in the head to realize what he's done.